Berlin. The centenary celebrations of the Fritz Haber Institute.


Centenary celebrations of the Fritz Haber Institute


Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society









Press interviews



VIP service


Project management and organisation, communication design, event and advertising production, artistic management and direction, room design

100 Years

While the Fritz Haber Institute is busy with the challenges presented by science, our challenge was first of all to capture the building complex spatially, functionally, and visually in a novel way and to transform it into an impressive event location. Our spatial concept opened the way for the three-day event. The focus was on academic exchanges, with project presentations and lectures.

These were complemented by an event to which guests from the fields of politics, science, and industry were invited and at which various press interviews were given. 

“It was a great honour for us to be able to organize the centenary celebrations.”

The highlight was a celebratory dinner to which 900 guests were invited. We were responsible for planning and implementing the entire event.

The colourfully illuminated building and the specially designed rooms made for a brilliant evening at the Fritz Haber Institute.

Even the library, which is used by the staff as a quiet zone during the day, was transformed into a space for scientific exchange and celebrations on this particular evening.

There was certainly much to discuss on that evening but people began dancing as soon as the big band started playing and carried on dancing into the small hours.

It was a great honour for us to be able to organise the centenary celebrations.

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